The Most Pathetic Facts in Maths

Visitors to this site were asked to vote for the most pathetic and useless fact in maths. The full list can be found at Pathetic Facts

Here are the facts voted as the top ten listed here in reverse order:

10/ If you multiply 1089 x 9 you get 9801. (It's turned backwards.) Also works with 10989 or 109989 or 1099989 and so on.

9/ 153, 370, 371 and 407 are all the "sum of the cubes of their digits". E.g. 153= 13 + 53 + 33

8/ FOUR ... is the only number in the English language to have the same number of letters as the number itself.

7/ If you divide any square number by 8 you get a remainder of 0, 1 or 4.

6/ There are 12,988,816 different ways to cover a chess board with 32 dominoes.

5/ 692 = 4761 and 693 = 328509. These two answers use all the digits from 0 to 9 between them.

4/ You can chop a big lump of cheese into a maximum of 93 bits with 8 straight cuts. (See The Perfect Sausage for the relevant formula.)

3/ 8 is the only cube that is 1 less than a square.

2/ 10,112,359,550,561,797,752,808, 988,764,044,943,820,224,719 × 9
= 91,011,235,955,056,179,775,280,898,876,404,494,382,022,471
(The 9 at the end has moved to the front!)

1/ FORTY ... is the only number in the English language to have all its letters in alphabetical order.

The Full List of Pathetic Facts

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