The Murderous Maths Books

Scientific American recommendation! Jan 2011

"Have a look at Murderous Maths by Kjartan Poskitt. It is a truly addictive reading book, and was leapt on and devoured by my children. The book is full of awful jokes, fascinating facts, real murders and yes, the maths is good too.
This is a brilliant book."
- New Scientist 22nd November 1997 -

Click on me to see which 
books I can send you

Below are all the different MM books available in English.
Click on the cover to get full details of each one including:
Are you looking for new angles to explain
or encourage maths? You'll find help in:
A Guide to the Maths in the MM books
  • EXTRA BITS - more in depth details that we didn't have space to print

We can even arrange to have the books delivered to you directly from this site thanks to the magic of Click here to visit our bookshop

Find out How did Murderous Maths start?

For our non U.K. visitors, please check on our Overseas Editions

Murderous Maths POWER OF TEN
contains ten of the classic books at a bargain price!

Bend Your Brain * Mash Your Mind * Awesome Arithmetricks
Desperate Measures * Do You Feel Lucky? * Savage Shapes
Key To The Universe * Phantom X * Perfect Sausage
Easy Questions Evil Answers

The New Editions!

A new look at the classic Murderous Maths books, adapted for younger readers.
Click the covers for details!
Well done to JANE BOOTH who won 10 at her school for her amazing THAG the mathemagician costume made from her dad's pyjamas!
The BIG, FULL COLOUR, Murderous Maths of Everything! The Original
book The second
book The book that explains
adding, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing Fractions, decimals
and averages
(and lots of rude jokes) Everything you need to 
know about measuring
and different units Probability, including
dice, cards, coins and
the lottery. Shape and Geometry.  
This book contains NO SUMS! Numbers.  
A trainspotters guide to maths The Phantom X.  
All you need to know about algebra The Fiendish Angletron.  
All you need to know about trigonometry The Perfect Sausage.  
Every formula you'll probably ever need, and lots you will NEVER need. CODES - how to make them and break them. Easy Questions Evil Answers.

The Murderous Maths PUZZLE books

Diabolical Brainbenders
Diabolical Brainbenders
This is the same "Brainbenders" book published in a handy-sized version.
Over 100 Su Doku puzzles set at four different levels. Full instructions for absolute beginners, plus hints and tips at all levels. Find out how the gangsters cope with their first Su Doku, and how the utterly mad Pure Mathematicians attack the hardest Su Doku question of all!
40 Kakuro puzzles plus tips and hints... and then a bath load of Sudoku's, plus our own favourite "Bridge" puzzles and you could even be one of the first people to master the brand new dreaded Kjarposko puzzles!

How did "Murderous Maths" start?

This is the artist
who painted all the covers. Originally the first two Murderous Maths books were in Scholastic's "The Knowledge" series (this followed on from the Horrible Histories and Horrible Science books) but now they headline their own "Murderous Maths" series. What makes them different from other maths books is that they are FUNNY.

All the Murderous Maths books feature a range of characters including One-Finger Jimmy, Half Smile and their gang, Dolly Snowlips, Professor Fiendish, Pongo McWhiffy and the terribly lovely Veronica Gumfloss, the evil Gollarks from the planet Zog, Urgum the Axeman and so on. They also include sneaky tricks, games, jokes (most of which are repeatable) and what's more - you'll find yourself picking up all sorts of advice and tips on how to cope with maths in all its various forms. Despite their irreverent and frivolous attitude, these books have even found their way into schools and proved to be a boost to GCSE studies. The books are also available in foreign editions which already include German, Spanish, Polish, Greek, Dutch, Norwegian, Turkish, Croatian, Italian, Lithuanian, Korean, Danish, Chinese, Portugese, French, Hungarian, Swedish, Finnish, Thai, Portuguese (Latin America)... and a few we can't identify!

Extremely rare picture of Kjartan Poskitt and Philip Reeve both smiling because they each think the other one is about to pay the restaurant bill.
So who invented Murderous Maths then?

The books are all written by Kjartan Poskitt and the bulk of the artwork is done by Philip Reeve. Click here to find out more about the author and illustrators!


Watch the MM author Kjartan Poskitt get to grips with his latest book! Catch all the action on our new and exclusive

LINKS: We're rather 
proud of this!

Murderous Maths Home Page

The Murderous Maths Bookshop

The Scholastic Zone (Scholastic publish all the books featured on this page)

Overseas Editions

Here's what they read in TURKEY

The original "Murderous Maths" book has been published in many different languages including German, Spanish, Polish, Greek, Dutch, Norwegian, Turkish, Croatian, Italian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Korean, Danish, Swedish, Portugese, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Czech, Bulgarian, Finnish... Some of the other books are also available in other languages (to be honest we're having trouble keeping track of them all!)

Sadly this site is unable to supply foreign editions, but the different publishers can easily be traced by looking up "Kjartan Poskitt" or "Murderous Maths" through search engines.

You can contact us at


Over the years we've been delighted to have so many families, students and homeschoolers visiting us from across the Atlantic that we've set up a special USA visitor page.

Here's the USA and CANADA version of the MM Sudoku book which has sold well over 1/2 a million copies!
In the meantime we are waiting to hear if/when American editions will be published, so if you're one of the many visitors we've had from Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, California, Ohio or elsewhere in the US, do please ask at your local bookstore, or even better contact:

Scholastic Inc. 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

That way you might get a book called "Murderous Math" rather than "Murderous Maths"!

We would also love to hear from you!

Although Murderous Maths is based in the UK, we get almost 50% of ALL our site visitors from the USA. We're keen to know why we're doing so well in your states so please find a moment to tell us a bit about who YOU are ( student -parent - teacher - kid ?), where you are, how you found this site, and what you like about it. All reasonable replies will get a personal answer - unless you say you don't want one - and we guarantee any information you let us have will not go to any other organisation. Please use this special mail address: .

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